Did a little practice with the drone today taking some photos and video of an anchorage on the ICW. I did an update which seems to have changed all my settings (this happens so I should have known to make sure) so the videos and photos aren’t the best, but still interesting shots of the local area.
Drone Pictures

Drone Videos
I just did some color correction, didn’t add any music or anything.
This is a pan of the boats anchored out in the ICW near Beach Marine.
I fly over the surrounding swamp area during low tide. The video feed for the controller was spotty on this section so I couldn’t see the turns I was making and the flight is a little erratic. I updated the app on the phone this morning so hopefully next time I fly the control video will be functioning better. I hit the Return To Home function and as I launched from the dock that’s where it returned landing with only inches to spare.